+86-17731250525     alisa@chinymed.com


Date:2018/8/2 8:32:48  Hits:1220 

The Importance of Oxygen

Most of us suffer from a lack of oxygen. Whether from improper breathing (see Importance of Proper breathing), poor diets, air pollution or lack of exercise, our cells are being deprived of this vital element and thus weakening our immune system.

Oxygen (O2) is one of the most important elements required to sustain life. Without it, our health begins to suffer and/or we die. Unhealthy or weak cells due to improper metabolism lose their natural immunity and are thus susceptible to viruses and lead the way to all kinds of serious health problems.

O2 not only gives us life but destroys also the harmful bacteria in our bodies without affecting the beneficial bacteria that we need. No antibiotic or drug can make that claim. I believe that God’s plan for mankind was for us to lead a physically productive life in a clean environment, following His dietary laws and not require drugs to remain healthy...our bodies would then receive the sustenance it needs.

Life styles today, in a modern world environment with depleted O2 levels in the atmosphere, actually requires our cells to use more of this odorless/colorless gas to deal with several stresses on our body’s ability to function.

The major causes of stress are:

·         Toxic stress:A constant need for cellular detoxification from chemical exposure.

·         Emotional stress requiring the production of adrenaline and andrenal hormones

·         Physical trauma that reduces circulation and O2supply

·         Infections that use up O2 to combat bacteria, fungi and viruses.

·         An acidic diet producing an excessive number of hydrogen ions in the tissues that combine with and also use up O2. Acidity also stresses the body to balance itself and become more alkaline by taking calcium from our bones.

Yeast infections, such as candida albicans occur most frequently in an oxygen poor environment in the body. Currently, I would say that, we have an epidemic of common yeast infections in our modern society. Yeast cells produce large amounts of acetaldehyde - which cause cellular damage, interfere with intestinal absorption and disrupt white and red blood cell functions. Increasing O2 levels in our body and eliminating commercial yeast and sugary foods from our diets will lessen this problem. One solution is to improve upon our daily bread.

This synergistic program is designed to give you all the essential benefits you need for good health.