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Date:2018/8/2 8:31:44  Hits:1370 

The human body is about two-thirds oxygen

Oxygen's influence and its role in Human Body

Oxygen in Human Body

In the human body, the oxygen is absorbed by the blood stream in the lungs, being then transported to the cells where an elaborated change process takes place.

Oxygen plays a vital role in the breathing processes and in the metabolism of the living organisms.

Probably, the only living cells that do not need oxygen are some anaerobic bacteria that obtain energy from other metabolic processes.

The nutrient compounds, inside of the cell, are oxidized through complex enzymatic processes.

This oxidation is the source of energy of most of the animals, mainly of mammals.

The products are carbon dioxide and water (exhaled air has a relative humidity of 100%), which are eliminated by the human body through the lungs.

Click the link below to read more about:

The Physiology of Respiration in human and oxygen transport

Appropriate levels of oxygen are vital to support cell respiration. Oxygen plays an important role in the energy metabolism of living organisms.

The living cell is the site of tremendous biochemical activity called metabolism.

This is the process of chemical and physical change which goes on continually in the human body: build-up of new tissue, replacement of old tissue, conversion of food to energy, disposal of waste materials, reproduction - all the activities that we characterize as "life."

Research shows that cells have only a "limited number" of cell divisions possible in a human lifetime.

Studies show that by the time you're 20 most of the cells that make up your body have used up half of the divisions available in their cell lifespan.

By the time you're 40, there are maybe only 30% of your possible cell divisions left. When the cells use up their natural allotted cell divisions, the end is death!